How to Buy Humic Acid?

TKI aims to evaluate domestic coal reserves and increase the economic value of the final products in every related category. As a result of the R&D studies performed accordingly, it was started to produce liquid humic acid by using low-calorie lignite and leonardite as raw material and created a reliable brand in the market.

The humic acid production plant with an annual production capacity of 1 million liters has been operated since 2021 within the organization body of GLI Directorate (Kutahya/Tuncbilek). Supporting the growth of plants and increasing the quality, diversity, and productivity of agricultural products, the humic acid product was launched to the market under the brand of TKI-Hümas and brought into the use of farmers via Gübre Fabrikaları Türk A.Ş (GÜBRETAŞ), which is a leader company in the chemical fertilizer industry.

In the near future, TKI is planning to promote and increase the use of liquid humic acid products branded under TKI-Hümas and produced by domestic and national means, with the partnership of GÜBRETAŞ ve TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ. In this way, it is aimed to reduce the dependence on foreign fertilizers and improve the quality and efficiency of topsoil.

This product introduced to the market with the brand of TKI-Hümas can be obtained from the Gübre Fabrikaları Türk A.Ş (GÜBRETAŞ) distributors and Agricultural Credit Cooperatives. Please use the following link to buy TKI-Hümas: